Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Images Of Modelmilena Winks


Seso pronts par gnognoapuntament next?

Joibe to 9 of dicembar a lis 20:30 (but that seems vulnerable to that first step ancje gnognoaperitîf a lis 19:30), from books presentazion I Gnognosaurs! 2 , edizions "The red man", and prehistoric cultural dinners author Dree Venier, cun archeopizza so much! At
will presint ancje the editor.

Osteria dei Poeti to Davian, 16 Cathedral Place

THE GNOGNOLIBRO Aviano. Are you ready for the next gnognoappuntamento?
Thursday December 9 at 20:30 (but for those who want to pass before even gnognoaperitivo 19.30) submission the comic book I Gnognosaurs! 2 of Dree Venier, published by "The red man," and dinner with the author prehistoric Dree Venier. Will be served the ' archeopizza . There will be also the publisher.
Where? Osteria dei Poeti Aviano, Piazza Duomo 16.


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