savin Lu, and JE bielzà Passade une pluie of setemane, but whether or ancje very tart, or a vin voie ago viodi cualchi imagjine from gnognoweek-end Passat, par ancje which makes content that is not the Rivat to vineyard. Ta
the Friuli in Udine Book , par la presentazion from Gnognolibri, Dree à dissegnât to lump Indulge:

ancje And in the presentazion from the Gnognomostre San Lurinç Sedean of Jere and the plenon int and soredut of fruts:

E Dree and Bete, the scenegjadore, stats are a special intervistâts cuntun gnognomicrofon:

Dutcâs, whether or ESR pierdût gnognoweek the end, no steit to the pierdisi gnognolibri the Pluie biel furlan gift from Nadal 2010!
ricuardait And that gnognomostre to Cjase Uarnèl, Lara indevant Dicembar of the 31 fins, and Sabido vinars by lis lis 9.30 to 12.30. A will par une Occasion scuvierzi ancje a tocut of Friuli. Fri
who alue the
Whether or laissez Ches Bandis the par viodi gnognomostre, who've altris Robis beyond to visit:
- Cjase Turoldo Coder to them that are in the exhibitions presepis
- Revisit the Mill (clamant the municipality or the Pro Loco of Revisit)
- the cjastelîr protostoric cun scheletris from 1800 BC (à par viodiju is the Proclamation of the Commune)
- The monumental Via Crucis you Curtin Grediscje.
Gastronomic Tour. If
or ESR gorges buy alc by gjenuin puesto
lait - or ta låtar of the Coder (paths Ingore 2)
- or the comprait miluçs there to eat apple, San Lurinç.
And if the stomata us bruntule Bombo like claws, or the Chi podeis:
- There's Agriturisimo Mariute Coder to
- of opposing Vecjo Friûl 1901 to Revisit
- Restaurant Ca from Pape to
Turid - There Agriturisimo of poets, and Sedean Grions
Bon Gnogno -tour!
Gnogno A WEEKEND ALL! We know, has already passed more than a week, but even if we're late we want to show you some pictures of Gnogno-week-end, to please even those who were not able to be there. At Friuli in Udine library for the presentation of Gnognolibro, Dree drew a lot of dedications.
And the presentation of Gnognomostra in San Lorenzo was a great deal of Sedegliano people.
E Dree and Bete, screenwriter, were interviewed with a special gnognomicrofono.
However, if you missed the Gnogno-weekend, do not miss the gnognolibro, the best gift of Christmas 2010 in Friuli !
gnognomostra And remember that, in Cjase Uarnèl, will continue until December 31, Friday and Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30. It is an opportunity to discover a little piece of Friuli.
ricuardait And that gnognomostre to Cjase Uarnèl, Lara indevant Dicembar of the 31 fins, and Sabido vinars by lis lis 9.30 to 12.30. A will par une Occasion scuvierzi ancje a tocut of Friuli. So here is the
Gnogno-TOURIST CITY OF JUDAS Sedegliano.
If you're in the gnognomostra for, here are other interesting things to visit:
- House Turoldo Coderno in with the exhibition of Nativity scenes,
- Revisit the Mill (Common or by calling the Pro Loco Revisit)
- the castle with skeletons of protohistoric 1800 BC (to view it, call the Town Hall),
- the monumental Via Crucis to degrees.
gastronomic tours.
If you want to buy something genuine and local, go to the dairy Coderno (via Ingore 2), or buy apples from apple I eat at San Lorenzo.
And if the stomach growls like that of Bombo, you can go here:
- La Mariute of a Coderno,
- Osteria Vecjo Revisit 1901 in Friuli,
- Restaurant Ca from Pape to Turrida,
- La Sedegliano of poets, and Grions.
Good Gnogno -tour!
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