Friday, December 31, 2010

Train Groping Cartoons

Like Zombies #016

The last year a little thought for the readers ...
This I dedicate to my friends that I ecologists resume every time I buy something a multinational ...
Well everyone has his own battles!
Happy reading and happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Breast Size Of Denise Milani

Like Zombies #006 (eng)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Checkered Red And White Tablecloth

Letraset New Website and ProMarkers giveaway

Tadan ...... The New Letraset website has Launched !!!!!!!
in Celebration Of Them And They Will Also new site to be running ProMarkers Giveaway! ^ ^

Hehe I am involved in, try it yourself !!!!!! ;)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hypnotized Korean Movie Online

Like Zombies #015

Here is the new strip Like Zombies ...
ask for help to all those who read me!
I'm very ignorant with regard to the sources ... looking looking for I found none better at this (although I have repeatedly said that he was ugly!)
advise anyone know the specific fonts that might fit the style?
Thanks, good read!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Can You Hack Any Bigfish Games?

Like Zombies STRIP #001

Here's the first strip posted last week on ZOMBIE KB ...
keep following the site every week to see them live!
Happy reading!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Analysis Of The Lonely Soul By Raphael Armattoe

Merry Christmas ... Merry Christmas ... Joyeux Noel!

Many auguriiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even Christmas is here ........
I wish you a Merry Christmas with your families and your friends and
the beginning of a roaring 2011 !!!!!!!

a hug
Isa ^ ^

Wedding Card Inserts In Hindi


E ancje chest par an, the Gnognosaurs saludin us.
Gnognoauguris to ducj and riviodisi cun altris gnognognovis!

GNOGNOFESTE GOOD! And this year, the Gnognosaurs salute you. Gnognoauguri to all and see you soon with more gnognonovità!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ip Hideing Software For Ubuntu


Cumò that or ESR viodût cemut that the FAS Dree par draws nestris Gnognos amis, that scomet or ESR voie test ancje voaltris. And
alue, who lis ve istruzions par Dissegna Momo and Bee!

Par discjamâlis (if you Âs voie tignîlis on to a computer or stamplis), FRAC cul-click lis imagjnis slargjâlis par, and after the to strissinilis on desks, or if you preferissis Frache right and prejudice lis imagjnis dula you Âs voie.

BECOME GNOGNOARTISTA! Now that you've seen Dree ago as to draw our friends Gnognos , I bet you want to try it too. So, here are the instructions to draw Momo and Bee!
To download (if you want to keep them on your computer or print them), click with the mouse on images to enlarge, then drag them on your desk, or if you prefer to click the right button and save the images you want.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tonsilitis Take Off Work


Vue is at 17 vinars : Stait atents to no cjatâ the scalognesaur! Cui
ISAL the scalognesaur? Par scuverzilu, or ESR her the books I Gnognosaurs! 2 . A disin that leilu puarti to favor one's fortunes.

GNOGNOLIBRO AGAINST A BAD LUCK! Today is Friday 17 : be careful not to meet the scalognesaur! Who is the scalognesaur? To find out, read the book I Gnognosaurs! 2 . They say that law results in a lot of luck.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Naruto Doujinfutanari


Us Seso never domandâts cemût which nos une pagjine of gnognofumuts? Cjalait those sub par video discuvierzilu:

And ves voie, iscrivêisi the YouTube channel by Gnognosaurs: / gnognosaurs .

how do GNOGNOSAURS? Have you ever wondered how a page Gnognofumetti? Watch the video below to find out:
Watch this video on YouTube.
And if you want, subscribe to the YouTube channel of Gnognosaurs: .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yugioh Gx Academy Gameshark Ignore Tributes

cover for New A6! Caricature

cover for New A6 Fanzine .... by me of course!!
you like fairy fluttering? and in the number of A6
there are so many other comics drawn by me ...
go to download it to your blog A6 !!!!^^

Baci comics !!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Samples Of Congrats To My Sister's New Baby


Sante Luxury and repass by Gnognosaurs je!
Pecjât confundude and locations that you see sbaliât ducj Regas. Rivistu to methyl dut in order? Prints
the sugar and tire par une Rie horizon every cul personaç regal he just seems .

And to you, Sante Lussi puartât to and from the books Gnognosaurs ? No? And as alue
domandilu royal par Nadal !

THE GAME OF SAINT LUCIA. Saint Lucia came from Gnognosaurs! Too bad that you have made a mistake and confused all the presents. Can you get everything in order? Press play and draw a line for every character to join right gift for him. And to you, Saint Lucia has brought the book of Gnognosaurs ? No? Then ask it as a Christmas gift !

Friday, December 10, 2010

Invitation Birthday 25th


Aromaa saves lu: i am a Gnognosaurs of colpevui ago walls laugh! And
voaltris? CuAl saressial stat vuestra the reactor jurassic this? Scuvierzeitlu cul Gnuf test by Facebook Gnognosaurs : fracait achi Zuia par.

It seems that the fat that no LU to an passat, you who test the link pal "We sort of Gnogno Sestu?".

YOU AND THAT YOU GNOGNOCRIMINALE? now know: are the Gnognosaurs guilty to die laughing! And you? Sarevve What was your offense in the Jurassic? Find out with the new Facebook test of Gnognosaurs : click here to play.
And for those who did not do last year, here is the link test "Ce Gnogno are you?".

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cervix Dilation Chart Cervix Dilation?????????

a weekend DUT Gnogno! A

savin Lu, and JE bielzà Passade une pluie of setemane, but whether or ancje very tart, or a vin voie ago viodi cualchi imagjine from gnognoweek-end Passat, par ancje which makes content that is not the Rivat to vineyard. Ta
the Friuli in Udine Book , par la presentazion from Gnognolibri, Dree à dissegnât to lump Indulge:

ancje And in the presentazion from the Gnognomostre San Lurinç Sedean of Jere and the plenon int and soredut of fruts:

E Dree and Bete, the scenegjadore, stats are a special intervistâts cuntun gnognomicrofon:

Dutcâs, whether or ESR pierdût gnognoweek the end, no steit to the pierdisi gnognolibri the Pluie biel furlan gift from Nadal 2010!

ricuardait And that gnognomostre to Cjase Uarnèl, Lara indevant Dicembar of the 31 fins, and Sabido vinars by lis lis 9.30 to 12.30. A will par une Occasion scuvierzi ancje a tocut of Friuli. Fri

who alue the
Whether or laissez Ches Bandis the par viodi gnognomostre, who've altris Robis beyond to visit:
- Cjase Turoldo Coder to them that are in the exhibitions presepis
- Revisit the Mill (clamant the municipality or the Pro Loco of Revisit)

- the cjastelîr protostoric cun scheletris from 1800 BC (à par viodiju is the Proclamation of the Commune)
- The monumental Via Crucis you Curtin Grediscje.

Gastronomic Tour. If
or ESR gorges buy alc by gjenuin puesto
lait - or ta låtar of the Coder (paths Ingore 2)
- or the comprait miluçs there to eat apple, San Lurinç.

And if the stomata us bruntule Bombo like claws, or the Chi podeis:
- There's Agriturisimo Mariute Coder to
- of opposing Vecjo Friûl 1901 to Revisit
- Restaurant Ca from Pape to
Turid - There Agriturisimo of poets, and Sedean Grions

Bon Gnogno -tour!

Gnogno A WEEKEND ALL! We know, has already passed more than a week, but even if we're late we want to show you some pictures of Gnogno-week-end, to please even those who were not able to be there. At Friuli in Udine library for the presentation of Gnognolibro, Dree drew a lot of dedications.
And the presentation of Gnognomostra in San Lorenzo was a great deal of Sedegliano people.
E Dree and Bete, screenwriter, were interviewed with a special gnognomicrofono.
However, if you missed the Gnogno-weekend, do not miss the gnognolibro, the best gift of Christmas 2010 in Friuli !
gnognomostra And remember that, in Cjase Uarnèl, will continue until December 31, Friday and Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30. It is an opportunity to discover a little piece of Friuli.

ricuardait And that gnognomostre to Cjase Uarnèl, Lara indevant Dicembar of the 31 fins, and Sabido vinars by lis lis 9.30 to 12.30. A will par une Occasion scuvierzi ancje a tocut of Friuli. So here is the

Gnogno-TOURIST CITY OF JUDAS Sedegliano.
If you're in the gnognomostra for, here are other interesting things to visit:
- House Turoldo Coderno in with the exhibition of Nativity scenes,
- Revisit the Mill (Common or by calling the Pro Loco Revisit)
- the castle with skeletons of protohistoric 1800 BC (to view it, call the Town Hall),
- the monumental Via Crucis to degrees.

gastronomic tours.
If you want to buy something genuine and local, go to the dairy Coderno (via Ingore 2), or buy apples from apple I eat at San Lorenzo.
And if the stomach growls like that of Bombo, you can go here:
- La Mariute of a Coderno,
- Osteria Vecjo Revisit 1901 in Friuli,
- Restaurant Ca from Pape to Turrida,
- La Sedegliano of poets, and Grions.
Good Gnogno -tour!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Images Of Modelmilena Winks


Seso pronts par gnognoapuntament next?

Joibe to 9 of dicembar a lis 20:30 (but that seems vulnerable to that first step ancje gnognoaperitîf a lis 19:30), from books presentazion I Gnognosaurs! 2 , edizions "The red man", and prehistoric cultural dinners author Dree Venier, cun archeopizza so much! At
will presint ancje the editor.

Osteria dei Poeti to Davian, 16 Cathedral Place

THE GNOGNOLIBRO Aviano. Are you ready for the next gnognoappuntamento?
Thursday December 9 at 20:30 (but for those who want to pass before even gnognoaperitivo 19.30) submission the comic book I Gnognosaurs! 2 of Dree Venier, published by "The red man," and dinner with the author prehistoric Dree Venier. Will be served the ' archeopizza . There will be also the publisher.
Where? Osteria dei Poeti Aviano, Piazza Duomo 16.

Anyone Ever Been To A Gay Sauna


clam is Jack, and I mixed (if you cuss pues clamâlu) to know this writer is bielzà nom: FAT, par live Jack the robe. Last personaç Rivat by this mont Gnognosaurs to a brontosaurus, but a soredut lari. A him not to stop devant Nuie: bon is the stuff of the Tacuina ancje the policeman who is percuisint lu! Pecjât that cuntune belly cuss, and seats hard Platas, after you Robat. Mior CIRI of confusion by the police profitant incredible someance cun Bombo. But the flat is one that people other stories (and if Mr Voles, or Leila, on the cjatais Gnuf gnognolibri: I Gnognosaurs! 2).

PLEASURE, JACK O'ROBY . His name is Jack, and his work (if we may so call it) is already written in his name: in fact, to live, Jack steals ["o robi" means "steal" in Friuli]. The last character that has made its entrance into the world of Gnognosaurs is a brontosaurus, but especially a thief. One who will stop at nothing: it is also capable of stealing the wallet to the officer who is searching! Too bad that with a belly like that, it difficult to hide after a theft. Better to try to confuse the police taking advantage of the incredible similarity with bombs. But that's another story (and if you want to read it, find it on the new book I Gnognosaurs! 2.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Does My Throat Hurt Bad


And if vessis of inventâus of bessoi une voie gnognostorie? Easy, just doprava the gnognosorprese Vue i gnognopipinots Det !

Frache cul-click lis imagjinis slargjâle par, and the to strissinilis on desks, or the right button and prejudice Frache lis imagjinis dula you Âs voie. Stampilis and Taje dilunc from now. Fas secont a ring from the measurements from the DET is to serilu cuntun touch of scotch or cuntun pocje of colas. Metîlu intor and invented to gnognostorie !

GNOGNOBURATTINI play with. And if you want to invent yourself a gnognostoria? Easy, just use gnognosorpresa today: the gnognoburattini finger!
INSTRUCTIONS. Click the mouse on images to enlarge and drag them onto your desktop or right click and save them wherever you want. Print it out and cut along the edges. Make a ring the size of your finger and close it with a little 'of tape or glue. Wear it and invent your gnognostoria !

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Readers Edge Rapid


Lis gnognosorpresis (viodudis in previews Chei that An zuiât to gnognogame ) to van indevant: kit you who the par gnognizâ your computer!

Frache cul-click the imagjin slargjâle par, and the to strissinile on desks, or Frache the right button and save the imagjin dula you Âs voie. Taje dilunc and print it by now. Tache tocs on to the monitor to the computer and gnognize!

you ever seen a GNOGNOMONITOR? The gnognosorprese (previewed by those who have played at gnognogame ) are still here is the kit for gnognizzare your computer! INSTRUCTIONS. Click the mouse on the image to enlarge it and drag it onto your desktop or right click and save the image wherever you want. Print it and cut along the edges. Attach the pieces to your monitor and gnognizza your computer!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Is Oxygen Blender

a go go!

Today advertising angle ... hehe seen approaching the
Christmas why not give a nice custom caricature
and maybe a nice greeting card designed with you above??
think people think !!!!!! ^ ^

Kidneys And Sleeping On Left Side


Tantis to jerina lis gnognosorpresis par Chei that An zuiât tai dîs passtâs to gnognogame . And cumò to dashboard dashboards, lis fasarin viodi ancje to ducj Chei that no àn zuiât. Fri
who lis gif animadis by Gnognosaurs !
Lis cjatais three misuris difarentis, par dopralis as avatars or signatures Intai forum, examples par or par is well biel vuestra the blog or vuestra sit.

Frache cul-click the gif animado you strissinile Plas is on the to desks, or if you preferissis Frache the k djestri and prejudice imagjin dula you Âs voie.

DO THE GNOGNOGIF! there was so surprise to anyone who has played in recent days to gnognogame . And now, slowly, to reveal to all those who have not played. Here are the animated gif of Gnognosaurs ! You find them in three different sizes, for use as an avatar or signature in forums, for example, or to decorate your blog or your site.
INSTRUCTIONS. Click the mouse on the animated gif tipiace and drag it to the desktop, or if you prefer to right click and save the image wherever you want.