Continue work on the script ... for what is to me is actually already finished.
now defines an operator that can be used as a shortcut (screen.select_instances ()) and that I have assigned to "SHIFT + I"
There is an active selection and control over a report in the console and the main window blender.
Things to do: select by name. I do not want in any case it becomes a heavy tool windows and more: it is a small utility for internal whose merits must be fast and lightweight.
Sorry for writing a bit 'but I botched studied python last Thursday and Friday API blender, among other things, the API is subject to constant change and many examples on the site do not always work.
#! Bpy
"" "
Name: 'Select object instances'
Blender: 256
Group: 'Object'
Tooltip: 'Select object instances'
"" "
#author: Pietro Grandi (
#Release 0.4
# - now the script is an operator that can be added as a shortcut
# under Preferences->Input->Screen
# - the script performs a control in order to check if there is something active
# - messages are printed in console (verbose output) and as report on the top
# TODO: select by name, i'd like to have a popup to choose the selection type.
import bpy
class SelectInstances (bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "screen.select_instances"
bl_label = "Select Instances "
def execute (self, context):
top = '[si-0.4]' # header to the messages on the console scene
= bpy. context.scene # points to the active scene
i = 0 # counter for loop
k = 0 # counter selected objects
sel_obj bpy.context.active_object = # active object
if sel_obj == None: # If there are active objects
print (top + 'Error: no object selected') # indicates error in console ({'ERROR'}, ' no object selected ') # Indicates the report
return {'CANCELLED'} # and exit
# otherwise, if the selection and 'still valid #
sel_obj_type = name # object type selected
sel_obj_name = # name of the selected
print (top + 'Active object:' + sel_obj_name + '->' + sel_obj_type)
print ('Instances:')
for object in scena.objects: # for each object in the scene
current_obj scena.objects = [i] # get the name of
if == sel_obj_type: # check if the selected type
print ('Selected' +) # print it = True # select
k + = 1
i + = 1 # advance the counter
print ('Total objects found and selected:' + str (k)) # print the result in console
report_string = str (k) + 'instances of 'sel_obj_type + +' found ' ({' INFO '}, report_string) # and the report
{return' FINISHED '} # end
bpy.ops.screen.select_instances ()
EDIT: The script has been tested with a scene of over 2.7 million polygons and about 8000 instances of the object (cubes, cones, spheres, boxes)
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