Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Best Kates Playground
Iphone app: Fashion network original
After the stress has left behind the fashion week here is one app that can be very useful if like me you have a head full of parades and do not know where to start!
Fashion Network is an original application for the iPhone and to IPAD to use what I call the "bewilderment parade", that is to take stock of the week fashion and for a summary in comfort!
honestly recommend this app: easy to use and very useful, up to date with Fashion Week in New York, Paris, Milan, London, Los Angeles and Miami.
Can You Complete Cube Field
Blender: the selector of instances grows ...
Here is the expanded code:
if __name__ ==
Continue work on the script ... for what is to me is actually already finished.
now defines an operator that can be used as a shortcut (screen.select_instances ()) and that I have assigned to "SHIFT + I"
There is an active selection and control over a report in the console and the main window blender.
Things to do: select by name. I do not want in any case it becomes a heavy tool windows and more: it is a small utility for internal whose merits must be fast and lightweight.
Sorry for writing a bit 'but I botched studied python last Thursday and Friday API blender, among other things, the API is subject to constant change and many examples on the site do not always work.
#! Bpy
"" "
Name: 'Select object instances'
Blender: 256
Group: 'Object'
Tooltip: 'Select object instances'
"" "
#author: Pietro Grandi (
#Release 0.4
# - now the script is an operator that can be added as a shortcut
# under Preferences->Input->Screen
# - the script performs a control in order to check if there is something active
# - messages are printed in console (verbose output) and as report on the top
# TODO: select by name, i'd like to have a popup to choose the selection type.
import bpy
class SelectInstances (bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "screen.select_instances"
bl_label = "Select Instances "
def execute (self, context):
top = '[si-0.4]' # header to the messages on the console scene
= bpy. context.scene # points to the active scene
i = 0 # counter for loop
k = 0 # counter selected objects
sel_obj bpy.context.active_object = # active object
if sel_obj == None: # If there are active objects
print (top + 'Error: no object selected') # indicates error in console ({'ERROR'}, ' no object selected ') # Indicates the report
return {'CANCELLED'} # and exit
# otherwise, if the selection and 'still valid #
sel_obj_type = name # object type selected
sel_obj_name = # name of the selected
print (top + 'Active object:' + sel_obj_name + '->' + sel_obj_type)
print ('Instances:')
for object in scena.objects: # for each object in the scene
current_obj scena.objects = [i] # get the name of
if == sel_obj_type: # check if the selected type
print ('Selected' +) # print it = True # select
k + = 1
i + = 1 # advance the counter
print ('Total objects found and selected:' + str (k)) # print the result in console
report_string = str (k) + 'instances of 'sel_obj_type + +' found ' ({' INFO '}, report_string) # and the report
{return' FINISHED '} # end
bpy.ops.screen.select_instances ()
EDIT: The script has been tested with a scene of over 2.7 million polygons and about 8000 instances of the object (cubes, cones, spheres, boxes)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pressure Test Stomach
Blender Script: Select the objects instantiated
Here I am, after a long pause.
Here I am, after a long pause.
Finally (and I mean really: FINALLY!) I integrated into my blender production flow, using it as the core software in a new job that I am following.
soon as I have more time I'm going to publish a small study on the organization of the new pipeline, but for now are mostly full and I am considering which rendering engine will join the team permanently retired once 3DStudioMax (Thea and VRay are candidates because of the progress of the exporter blender).
Anyway ... I write?
Why work with Blender on a scene with a number of instances I noticed that the outliner unfortunately does not have all the functions of selection that provides Max Then, in full open source philosophy, I decided to write scripts to do this work:)
This is a "beta" of a switch instances: instances of the active search and select. Very simple, very stupid if you want but loooong comfortable.
soon I'll know better use the API of Blender 2.6 I want to expand and integrate a pop-up.
course is available to anyone, licensed under GPL:
# This program is free software, you can Redistribute it and / or # modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Name: 'Select object instances'
Blender: 256
Group: 'Object'
Tooltip: 'Select object instances'
#author: Pietro Grandi (
#inspired by "atylmo" (
import bpy
scena = bpy.context.scene #punta the active scene
i = 0 # counter for loop
sel_obj bpy.context.active_object = # active object
sel_obj_type = # object type selected
sel_obj_name = # name of the selected
print ("E 'active object" + + sel_obj_name "type" + sel_obj_type)
print ("Instances:")
for object in scena.objects: # for each object in the scene
current_obj scena.objects = [i] # get the object name if == sel_obj_type: # check if the selected type
print ("Selected" + ) # print it = True # select
i + = 1 # advances the counter
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Buying Good Will And Depreciation
Like a rockstar
What the stars look like now is a fact, but often we wonder where do they find all the accessories that seem so exaggerated and so perfect that we just WOULD BE so good to us ...
Well, today I speak of Nicolina Royale, a treasure trove of accessories worn by stars, from their site, it seems that every celebrity has worn its accessories (including animals) and then a tour is a must do, maybe you will be able to find exactly what we've seen worn on some glossy magazine!
What the stars look like now is a fact, but often we wonder where do they find all the accessories that seem so exaggerated and so perfect that we just WOULD BE so good to us ...
Well, today I speak of Nicolina Royale, a treasure trove of accessories worn by stars, from their site, it seems that every celebrity has worn its accessories (including animals) and then a tour is a must do, maybe you will be able to find exactly what we've seen worn on some glossy magazine!
How To Change Voicemail Message In Nokia E71
Like Zombies #025
Hello, we got halfway through the season!
Oh yes, the strip will strip 50 seasons ...
Thus reinfoltisce the barrel of ideas which could dry up and stay too long on a project!
Well certainly in its place there will be a new strip, which is not yet known, who knows?
9 days that I am not even place a strip! Well
thousands of commitments prevent me, but if they put a face with care ...
I hope that you enjoy, colors and test new style of digital china!
Happy reading!

Larazapam And Drinkng
Like a Galanthus nivalis!
After the snowdrop flower beds on here that the first flowers begin to appear , perhaps even intimidated by the temperature still not quite hot but at least warm.
These are what I call my little everyday joys that make me a good start and that makes me think of the sun, the sea and the new spring / summer Purotatto , here today is a good day for speak of it as flowers bloom on dresses and shirts and brings us back to nature for the use of ecological fabrics on each product.
After the snowdrop flower beds on here that the first flowers begin to appear , perhaps even intimidated by the temperature still not quite hot but at least warm.
These are what I call my little everyday joys that make me a good start and that makes me think of the sun, the sea and the new spring / summer Purotatto , here today is a good day for speak of it as flowers bloom on dresses and shirts and brings us back to nature for the use of ecological fabrics on each product.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Job In Teacherswhisky
Baby jewels
Whenever I'm invited to a baptism gift is taken from the anxiety of ... bring as a gift that is not trivial and that remains for life as a pleasant memory?
This is the question to be answered and so I did not know until some time ago, I lined up with other relatives for the usual "gift" by baptism. But this time no, this time I answered. Of course, it is not THE answer, but it is a starting point. It comes from
Baby jewels, and is it really worth a visit!
Whenever I'm invited to a baptism gift is taken from the anxiety of ... bring as a gift that is not trivial and that remains for life as a pleasant memory?
This is the question to be answered and so I did not know until some time ago, I lined up with other relatives for the usual "gift" by baptism. But this time no, this time I answered. Of course, it is not THE answer, but it is a starting point. It comes from
Baby jewels, and is it really worth a visit!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What Is Synyster Gates Hairstyle
Wear alpaca in spring
last the winter is almost over and we leave the snow and cold behind us ready to plunge into the longer days that will soon bring the spring.
A small regret at the end of every season there is, is always there. It is my wool.
But luckily there is wool and wool and has not said that it can not be worn in the spring, just like this line of Alpaca design, by the shot looks like you can wear even in summer!
last the winter is almost over and we leave the snow and cold behind us ready to plunge into the longer days that will soon bring the spring.
A small regret at the end of every season there is, is always there. It is my wool.
But luckily there is wool and wool and has not said that it can not be worn in the spring, just like this line of Alpaca design, by the shot looks like you can wear even in summer!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Outdoor Campfire Recipes
Iphone app: Stylosophy
More and more fashionistas are adapting to what is the new trend (and a convenient time trend) and are attracted to the world of applications.
Fashion is increasingly present in this market and ultimately the look of the app have multiplied e. .. evolved, I guess. I am no longer a mere collection of information, but are very comfortable and therefore more and more followed. Today I report
Stylosophy , guidance on the latest trends, news about fifty per day divided into categories.
although it should be tried a bit 'touched up graphics.
More and more fashionistas are adapting to what is the new trend (and a convenient time trend) and are attracted to the world of applications.
Fashion is increasingly present in this market and ultimately the look of the app have multiplied e. .. evolved, I guess. I am no longer a mere collection of information, but are very comfortable and therefore more and more followed. Today I report
Stylosophy , guidance on the latest trends, news about fifty per day divided into categories.
although it should be tried a bit 'touched up graphics.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Olive Oil Damages The Eyes
Pirats resturn!
No more half-season as there are no more the right middle ground, not even in fashion. The leaders are or are maxi or mini, or accessories are important or are minimal ... everything is permitted, provided one knows the result!
A designer who thinks so is the Tarina Tarantino Japanese Holloow , his creations go well with the lovers of showy but refined.
There is a certain tendency on the subject of pirates ... has been the influence of the film Pirates of the Caribbean a few years ago to say?
There Are not Are not there more middle seasons as fashion in the middle. Dresses are big or small, are important accessories or minimal ... everything is permitted, But with style! A designer who
Thinks So Is the Japanese Holloow , like Tarina Tarantino flashy But her creations are sophisticated.
There Is A Certain Tendency on the subject of pirates ... Has Been the Influence of the film Pirates of the Caribbean A Few years ago?
No more half-season as there are no more the right middle ground, not even in fashion. The leaders are or are maxi or mini, or accessories are important or are minimal ... everything is permitted, provided one knows the result!
A designer who thinks so is the Tarina Tarantino Japanese Holloow , his creations go well with the lovers of showy but refined.
There is a certain tendency on the subject of pirates ... has been the influence of the film Pirates of the Caribbean a few years ago to say?
There Are not Are not there more middle seasons as fashion in the middle. Dresses are big or small, are important accessories or minimal ... everything is permitted, But with style! A designer who
Thinks So Is the Japanese Holloow , like Tarina Tarantino flashy But her creations are sophisticated.
There Is A Certain Tendency on the subject of pirates ... Has Been the Influence of the film Pirates of the Caribbean A Few years ago?
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